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XXVI. Yucatán desde los discursos literarios: cultura y representación

iMex Ediciones

XXII. La Ciudad de México, Palimpsesto (2022/2)

XXI. Narrativa criminal en(tre) México y la Argentina (2022/1)

XX. Corruption in Mexico in the 21st century (2021/2)

XIX. México en el mundo – el mundo en México (2021/1)

XVIII. US-Mexican Encounters (2020/2)

XVII. Transborder Matters (2020/1)

XVI. Spectral Mexico

XV. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (2019/1)

XIV. The Jewish Experience in Mexico (2018/2)

XIII. Gender and Sexuality (2018/1)

XII. Business in Mexico (2017/2)

XI. Nation and Nationalism (2017/1)

X. Octavio Paz and José Revueltas (2016/2)

IX. U.S.-Mexico Border II (2016/1)

VIII. U.S.-Mexico border I (2015/2)

VII.Medios de comunicación (2015/1)

VI.Glocal Identities (2014/2)

V.Myths and Gender (2014/1)

IV. The Art of Government (2013/2)

III.pop.Mex (2013/1)

II. Chicano cinema (2012/2)

I. Violence(s) in Mexico (2012/1)