iMex invites authors to submit academic articles and reviews particularly in the fields of literature, cultural studies, the visual arts, philosophy, social and business studies, history, anthropology and socio-linguistics. While we aim to disseminate Calls for Papers for all special issues and dossiers, we accept contributions to the wider spectrum of iMex topics at any time of the year.
All works published in the respective issues of iMex are licensed under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC SA-BY 4.0).
Forms of publication
For 2021, celebrating our decade of scientific collaboration on iMex, we plan to publish manuscripts without attribution to one of the biannual thematic issues. From now on, we will distinguish two forms of publication:
- iMex Articles (continuous articles following the orientation of “Interdisciplinary Mexico”).
- iMex Issues (biannual issues with a fixed thematic focus and editors; see CfP)
For that, we open the submission for iMex Articles starting from 01.06.2020.
What are the differences?
iMex Articles allow for a continuous mode of publication. They fall within the full range of possibilities allowed by the concept of “Interdisciplinary Mexico” and the orientation of our publication. In addition, they facilitate the delivery of articles at any time throughout the year. Yasmin Temelli ( and Hans Bouchard ( will be responsible for this format.
The iMex Issues are our current form of (semiannual) publication and feature a fixed topic and editor(s) who announce their own project through a CfP on the iMex website or other modes of distribution.
Where to publish?
If your article falls within the deadlines and thematic framework announced in the CfP of an iMex Issue, we recommend that you use that publication format and follow the indications in the CfP or website.
If your article fits into the orientation of our publication but does not figure in the topics of the planned iMex Issues, then we recommend submitting it for the iMex Articles format.
iMex Standard
The iMex standards will be the same for both publication forms (see Publishing in iMex). This implies the following:
- The editorial process (peer-review, editorial board)
- Publication formats (DOIs, landing page, CC-BY-SA rights)
- Inclusion in databases (DOAJ, DNB)
It also implies the same criteria for the selection of manuscripts:
We will only accept original, unpublished articles!
Before submitting articles in Spanish or English language to iMex, authors might want to check if their text corresponds to the topics outlined in the section “About iMex”.
While the originality of your research will be a key aspect in the evaluation process, we would also like to draw your attention to the editorial standards outlined in the “Author guidelines” (new English version coming soon).
Authors are invited to send their fully edited article in Word or RTF format to (for individual submissions outside of Calls for Papers) or to the editor in charge of a special issue/dossier (see Call for Papers).
Articles will be evaluated by two members of the editorial board (double-blind review; for an overview see “Editors“). The subject specific feedback will then be submitted to the editor in charge. The editor will then notify authors about the result which could be direct acceptance, acceptance subject to minor or major amendments, or rejection.
Articles should not normally exceed the maximum length of 5000-6000 words, or an equivalent of 15-18 pages.
All manuscripts should include:
an abstract of up to 200 words (English and Spanisch).
biodata (current post, main areas of research, most recent publications) .
5 key words to identify the content of your article.
Reviews should refer to monographs, anthologies or electronic databases that explore key features of Mexican society, culture, politics and/or economy. A single book review should normally not exceed a maximum length of 900 words/ 3 pages and should conform to academic standards. However, where possible, footnotes should be avoided.
We also invite you to send us adverts of conferences, exhibitions and other events as well as full bibliographical data of recent publications that might be of interest for iMex readers. This data will be collected in our “News” section.
La nueva sección “ámbito cultural” sirve para incitar a un acercamiento a México de índole no estrictamente universitario. Representa una plataforma para señalar y discutir el amplio panorama cultural del país. De forma miscelánea se encuentran contribuciones de carácter explícitamente heterogéneo que dan testimonio de la diversidad cultural.
Tomamos en consideración vídeos y entrevistas (por ejemplo sobre la masacre de Ayotzinapa), imágenes, enlaces, ensayos y obras literarias. La sección se enriquece gracias a sus envíos –no duden en contactarnos.
Publication Guidelines (updated March 2018)
In order to facilitate the double blind peer review, we would like the authors to remove all instances of author identification from the properties for the file (this can be done by clicking the properties under “File” menu; please follow the MS-Support Guides for instructions on how to remove those properties). The editorial staff will ensure that any personal information is deleted.
Please send in your Documents in one of the Microsoft Word Formats (.doc or .docx) and take into account the following formatting instructions:
Font: | Times New Roman |
Margins: | 2,5 cm top; 2,5 cm left; 2,5 cm right; 2,0 cm bottom |
Size: | DIN A4 (21 cm x 29,7 cm) |
Header and Footer: | Both 1,25 cm from edge |
Text Format
Please adhere to the outlined formats of the text:
Text Body
Main Title: | bold, 14 pt. (font); 1,5 lines (line spacing); 0 pt before/after (spacing); centered (alignment) |
Author: | bold, 12 pt. (font); 1,5 lines (line spacing); 0 pt before/after (spacing); centered (alignment) |
Affiliation: | bold, 11 pt. (font); 1,5 lines (line spacing); 0 pt before/after (spacing); centered (alignment) |
Body: | 12 pt. (font); 1,5 lines (line spacing); 0 pt before/after (spacing); justify (alignment); first line 0,5 cm (indent) |
Body (after cite/title): | 12 pt. (font); 1,5 lines (line spacing); 0 pt before/after (spacing); justify (alignment) |
Footnotes: | 10 pt. (font); single (line spacing); 0 pt before/after (spacing); justify (alignment) |
Title (in Body) | bold, 12 pt. (font); single (line spacing); 12 pt before; 10 pt after (spacing); justify (alignment) |
Citation (more than 3 lines) | 11 pt. (font); single (line spacing); 10 pt before; 10 pt after (spacing); justify (alignment); 1 cm left, 1 cm right (indentation) |
Single quotation mark | Unicode name: Apostrophe Character code: |
Double quotation mark | Unicode name: Quotation Mark Character code: |
General Rules
As a general rule, please cite surnames and the publication year as reference for every citation and paraphrase and indicate them at the end of the sentence. Citations should always be indicated by double quotation marks, accentuation by single quotation marks or italics (in case of a foreign words or scientific terms/concepts). Paraphrases should always be indicated in the footnotes.
Citation: | “The new and improved publication guidelines on iMex made the publication process easier” (Bouchard 2018: 15). [In case of a source without pagination, omit it but place a link to the source in the bibliography] |
Paraphrase: | Rodriguez found out that publication guidelines are useful (see Rodriguez 2018) or See Rodriguez, who found out that publication guidelines are useful (Rodriguez 2018). [Paraphrases should always be indicated in the footnotes] |
Accentuation: | The second generation of the boom femenino in Mexico was started by […]. The more ‘canonical’ approach was set by […]. Wittgensteins Familienähnlichkeit was an important approach within the field of ontologies. |
Accentuation (in citation): | “Those new and improved publication guidelines were a success” (Bouchard 2018: 25; accentuation by author) |
Specifics and Examples
One author | Rodriguez argues that “a well defined stylesheet should be specified for every journal” (Rodriguez 2018). |
Two authors: | “The process of Layout and formatting has never been easier” (Bouchard / Santos 2018: 2). 1 Bouchard and Santos argue that the publishing process is tedious but rewarding (see Bouchard / Santos 2018). [as footnote] Bouchard and Santos argue that the publishing process is tedious but rewarding.¹ 1 See Bouchard / Santos (2018: 2). [as footnote] |
>Two authors | More than two authors should be indicated by et al.: González et al. adapted the “current state of the art” and developed a new method within their respective field of research (González et al. 2018: 582). [Please indicate the full reference within the bibliography!] |
Footnotes: | See citations in text body, but within the footnote format. [Paraphrases should always be indicated/referenced as footnotes!] |
Title (in Body) | bold, 12 pt. (font), single (line spacing), 12 pt before, 10 pt after (spacing), justify (alignment) [please consider utilizing the Word “headline” definition] |
Pagination | Please indicated the pages for both paraphrases and citations. If one page and the following is used, please indicate them as (“author” “year”: “page”f.): “I can’t keep up with all the citations I need to handle [..] And this is my final lament” (Bouchard 2018: 258f.) If more pages are used, please indicate this as following: “This method is not flawless, as exemplified in the previous chapter […] an infinite amount of pages is needed in order for this citation method not to work” (Bouchard 2018: 272-285). [Do not shorten the page numbers; “ |
References and bibliography
In the case of references and their correct listing in the bibliography, please adhere to the outlined indications:
Formats for Bibliography
Formatting each entry in the bibliography, specifying the distinctive reference types and their representation within the bibliography.
General: | Surname, first name (publication year): Title. Location: Publisher. [This will vary according to the reference list]. Please list the entries in alphabetical and numerical order (A->Z; recent->past publications) |
Indentation: | none |
Spacing: | 6 pt before, 6 pt after; single line |
Location: | Please write the location of the resource in the local language (México vs. |
Dates: | For newspaper articles (on-/offline) use: […], 20th of march. For the date of access (Hyperlinks) use: [day.month.year] |
Links: | Try to avoid hyperlinks in the text and footnotes. List them, if possible, as full entries within the bibliography |
List of References
Author names, titles: | The first author name should be displayed in an inverted format. Surnames as well as first and middle name initials should be provided. |
Books: | One author: Butler, Judith (1999): Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge. Two authors: Best, Steven / Douglas Kellner (1991): Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations. New York: Guilford Press. Book chapters/volumes: Book chapters should be indicated as a footnote in the text: 1 See the first part of O’Gorman’s study ‘Historia y crítica de la ide del descubrimiento de América’ (O’Gorman 2006: 19-68). Please indicate the book as a full entry in the bibliography (see “Books”).Book series will be treated as books. Append the additional information as following after the title: Alamán, Lucas (1852): Historia de Méjico desde los primeros movimientos que prepararon su independencia en 1808 hasta la época presente. Vol. V. México: Imprenta de J. M. Lara. or Husserl, Edmund (1980): Phantasie, Bildbewusstsein, Erinnerung. Zur Phänomenologie der anschaulichen Vergegenwärtigungen. Texte aus dem Nachlaß (1893-1925). In: Eva Marbach (ed.): Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke. Vol. XXIII. Den Haag: Martinus Nihjoff.Husserl, Edmund (1980): Phantasie, Bildbewusstsein, Erinnerung. |
Journal/Book Articles: | Journal articles should be indicated as follows [single quotation marks for the title]: If a Volume has more than two issues, you may indicate it as: “volume. Issue, pages”. |
Newspaper/Magazine articles: | Newspaper articles (including multimedia stories) should be treated as “Journal/Book Articles”. However, they should include the exact date of publication and may include a link to the resource: Denis, Daphnée / Alma Rodríguez (2017): ‘Feminicidios en México: Una lacra que pervive. Las voces de las silenciadas’. In: El País, 09th of march. [21.12.2017]. |
Online resource: | Online resources can vary and encompass different types of publications. We encourage the authors to give information on the author, date of publication, a shortened link of the website as a “Journal” as well as the full hyperlink and date of access. Please try to fit the corresponding items to the following format (if possible): Bogoya, Camilo (2009): ‘Diez asedios a Chimal’. In:, 01st of july. [23.06.2017]. |
Film: | Please list the “director” as author and include the following information [location of/and the first two production companies and length]: Estrada, Luis (dir.) (2010): El infierno. México: Bandidos Films / IMCINE et al. 145 min. |
Music: | Due to the complexity of this matter, the editorial staff will treat this accordingly. Nevertheless, please use the “Film” format as guideline, artist/composer as “author”. |
As with the figures, if you should use more than 10 tables or figures in the text, it would be appropriate to list them after the bibliography. If you want to include any other research data, software etc., we can directly link to it or the corresponding platform ( e.g.). Please note, that the authors are responsible for their own “data publications”, since they are not directly published by iMex. Nevertheless, as Open Access platform, we encourage the distribution of research data.
Table Guidelines
Table Title: | Provide a concise and explanatory title for each table. Table titles should contain a table number and should be placed under the table. Include the reference to the resource after the title [citation] and list in the bibliography: Table 1: Data on poverty (total, moderate, extreme) in five Mexican states (2008-2010-2014)(CONEVAL 2012b: 42; SEDESOL 2016). |
Table structure: | In order to guarantee the table structure during the editing process, provide a separate cell for each content item. The content should be placed into a single Word table. |
Referencing: | Reference every table as “Table X”: See Table 1 for data on poverty in Mexico. |
As with the tables, if you should use more than 10 figures or tables in the text, it would be appropriate to list them after the bibliography. Create your figures with a graphics software program (GIMP, Photoshop e.g.) or be sure you have the creators permission or license to utilize any figure (CC, bought rights e.g.).
Figure / Images Guidelines
Figure / Image Title: | Provide a concise and explanatory title for each figure / image. Figure / Image titles should contain a figure number and should be placed under the figure. Include the reference to the ressource after the title [citation] and list in the bibliography: Image 1: Poema ‘Piedra de Sol, 1957’ (en Guerrero 2015) |
Quality | Please ensure that the figures /images are at least 200 DPI and fit within a single DIN A4 page. In order to fit the Layout, we might resize or change the format of the figures (if possible). |
Data Type | Please provide the figures / images in .png or .jpg format. |
Referencing | Reference every figure / image as “Figure / Image X”: See Image 1 for the representation of a concept cloud poem. |