iMex: aims and objectives
The focal point of the various disciplines, methodologies and perspectives embraced by this project is directed towards a broad and rigorous investigation of the cultural diversity of Mexico, taking into account historical and contemporary phenomena, and the analysis of the resultant interrelations between the two fields. The integration of the different approaches also includes comparative investigations, such as the examination of the relations between Mexico and the rest of the American continents, Europe and Oceania.
Key topics
Considering a broad range of issues this journal combines a wide range of subjects representative of the social, political and cultural panorama of Mexico. To this end, the research put forward by iMex is underpinned by rigorous discussion of theoretical concepts and contemporary philosophical tendencies, proposing and introducing new interpretations and connections. Key topics of that journal seek to address the relations between cultural, literary, political, social and economic phenomena related to the country, as well as their consequences for Mexico from the Pre-Columbian era to the present.
The issues appear biannually and each of them is dedicated to a specific topic, always aiming to establish, by means of the various articles it consists of, a “polyphony of voices and opinions”, with the ultimate goal of inviting the reader to reflect upon the specific subject in question.
The first issue, which was published in 2011 under the title “Violence(s) in México”, highlights the spiral of violence that characterizes the country’s history as well as its current situation. Subsequent collections of essays include various questions concerning the search for Mexican identity, the phenomenon of migration in its diverse aspects as represented in cinema, manifestations of popular culture in Mexico, questions relating to the art of governing and the mythical or mystified figures that “inhabit” the Mexican imaginary, as well as various others about the means of communication, the Northern Frontier and myths and gender. All past issues can be consulted on the issues subpage.
Profile of the journal
iMex is a free access electronic publication which appears twice a year. It is characterized by two fundamental aspects: on the one hand, the publication of articles in English and Spanish, particularily renownded by Mexicanists, but also by the new generation of academics in this field; on the other hand, it includes reviews of new editorial publications about the aforementioned topics, which alongside monographs and anthologies, considers also recently published electronic databases.
In order to guarantee the quality of our journal, we evaluate all of our submitted articles by two members of our Editorial Board under the “double-blind review” process.
In each issue a dossier about the specific matter is found, which, depending on the field of the author, shows a specific focus and elaboration. iMex sets itself the objective to increase the visibility of Mexican culture and the academic research of Mexican Studies by attracting a large base of readers composed of scholars and students in general, as well as those people outside of academia that are motivated by an interest in Mexican culture and society.
Forms of publication: iMex Articles vs. iMex Issues
For 2021, we plan to publish manuscripts without attribution to one of the biannual thematic issues (iMex Issues). We will distinguish now between two publishing practices for articles on iMex:
- iMex Articles (continuous articles following the orientation of “Interdisciplinary Mexico”)
- iMex Issues (biannual issues with a fixed thematic focus and editors; see CfP)
For that, we open the submission for articles for the new publication form iMex Articles starting from 01.06.2020 (see Publishing with iMex).
However, the criteria for selection of the manuscripts and publication standards remain the same for both forms. This includes:
- The editorial process (peer-review, editorial board)
- Publication formats (DOIs, landing page, CC-BY-SA rights)
- Inclusion in databases (DOAJ, DNB)
We will only accept original, unpublished articles!
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Our publication ethics and malpractice statement is mainly based on the COPE Core Practices (cf. Committee on Publication Ethics 2017) and the Flowcharts (Committee on Publication Ethics 2021).
Direct access and free of charge
Free and direct access via the internet and the inclusion of reports about recent databases facilitate the growth of our virtual community, and help to disseminate new information on studies of Mexican society, its culture, politics and economy. By means of integration and collaboration across diverse disciplines, academic research on Mexico will increase and a platform with the intention of further developing international academic exchange will be created. Furthermore, we do not charge any publication fees.
Open Access and creative commons licence
iMex is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
We licence our content under the following Creative Commons terms:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC SA-BY 4.0).
Associated databases
América Latina Portal Europeo (REDIAL/CEISAL)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Directory of Open Access Journals
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
MLA Bibliography
Sistema de Información Cultural (CONACULTA)