Prólogo: Literatura y filosofía en autoras españolas exiliadas en México
(pp. 8-16; DOI: 10.23692/iMex.25.1)
Matei Chihaia
Actualmente es Catedrático de letras francesas e hispánicas en la Universidad de Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) y dirige la red de investigación internacional DFG «El legado literario y filosófico del exilio español en México» ( Ha coordinado, junto con Guillermo Ferrer, Sergio Pérez Gatica y Niklas Schmich, el volumen Caminos cruzados. Filosofía y literatura del exilio español en América Latina (Madrid: Iberoamericana 2023).
Guillermo Ferrer Ortega
Guillermo Ferrer Ortega studied philosophy at the Universidad Panamericana and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Wuppertal, Germany, with a thesis on the phenomenology of time consciousness in Edmund Husserl. He has taught in the faculties of philosophy and romance philology at the University of Wuppertal. He has directed a project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) on the early reception of phenomenology in Spain and Latin America, and currently directs a project with the title «Thinking in Exile. Another History of Spanish Philosophy in the 20th Century». He has published books and articles on phenomenology, the history of Spanish-American thought and the Spanish exile in America. Together with Matei Chihaia, he is currently co-director of the international research network «The Literary and Philosophical Legacy of the Spanish Exile in Mexico», based at the University of Wuppertal.
Marion Röwekamp
Marion Röwekamp is a historian (Dr. phil. hist., University of Munich, 2008) and a lawyer. She was the owner of the Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt Chair of the DAAD at the Colegio de México in Mexico City. Before she has worked several times in the USA (2000/2001 Columbia University, New York City, 2007 Five Women College Studies and Research Center, South Hadley / MA, 2009/2010 John F. Kennedy Fellow at the Center for European Studies, Harvard), in Mexico (Colegio de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas of UNAM in Mexico City) and the Latin American Institute of the Free University of Berlin. Her research is based on women’s legal history, exile studies, and climate and law. She has published six books and various articles, the last book «New Perspectives on European Women’s Legal History» was published together with Sara Kimble at Routledge.
XXV. M. Chihaia, G. Ferrer y M. Röwekamp – Prólogo
XXV. Mirjam Leuzinger – La maternidad en contextos de migración
XXV. Marion Röwekamp – Isabel de Palencia. Advocating feminism and the Spanish Second Republic
XXV. Gonzalo Navajas – El exilio y el otro. Luis Cernuda y María Zambrano
XXV. C. von Wedemeyer – María Zambrano y Octavio Paz - Dos obras en diálogo
XXV. R. Fernández Menéndez – Concha Zardoya y Cuadernos americanos
XXV. Franziska Teubert – Las voces proletarias femeninas de Luisa Carnés