Estímulo: Cristina Rivera Garza – The Date (pp. 25-27)
Dr. Cristina Rivera Garza
Cristina Rivera Garza is the award-winning author of six novels, three collections of short stories, five collections of poetry and three non-fiction books. Originally written in Spanish, these works have been translated into multiple languages, including English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Korean. The recipient of the Roger Caillois Award for Latin American Literature (Paris, 2013); as well as the Anna Seghers (Berlin, 2005), she is the only author who has won the International Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize twice, in 2001 for her novel Nadie me verá llorar (translated into English by Andrew Hurley as No One Will See Me Cry ) and again in 2009 for her novel La muerte me da. She has translated, from English into Spanish, Notes on Conceptualisms by Vanessa Place and Robet Fitterman; and, from Spanish into English, «Nine Mexican Poets edited by Cristina Rivera Garza,» in New American Writing 31. She was the Breeden Eminent Scholar at Auburn University in Fall 2015 and a fellow at the UCSD Center for Humanities 2015-2016. She received a Senate Grant from UCSD and the prestigious three-year Sistema Nacional de Creadores grant from Mexico.
La imaginación pública/ Public Imagination (Conaculta Press, 2015) is her most recent published work. She has developed cross-genre collaborative projects with artists and composers in De Mirabilis Auscultationibus, Aristótles, o alguien que se hace pasar por Aristótles, cuenta de las maravillas escuchadas por casualidad acerca de Tacámbaro De Mirabilis Auscultationibus, Aristótles, o someone passing as Aristotle, tells about the marvelous things overheard about Tacámbaro], bilingual edition (Mexico: Acapulco Press, 2015), with artist Artemio Rodríguez; VIAJE – Azione Drammatica Musicale per quattro voci e quattro strumenti (Milan Italy: Sugar Music, 2014), with composer Javier Torres Maldonado; Ahí te comerán las turicatas [You will be eaten by turicatas there] (Mexico: Caja de Cerillos, 2013).
Los muertos indóciles. Necroescrituras y desapropiación, her most recent book of criticism, comparatively explores the contemporary discussions surrounding conceptualist writing in the United States, post-exoticism in France, as well as communally-based writing throughout the Americas.
She was born in Mexico (Matamoros, Tamaulipas, 1964), and has lived in the United States since 1989. She studied urban sociology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and received her PhD in Latin American history from the University of Houston. She has written extensively on the social history of mental illness in early twentieth-century Mexico, and published academic articles in journals and edited volumes in the United States, England, Argentina and Mexico. She received a Doctorate in Humane Letters Honoris Causa from the University of Houston in 2012.
Sarah Booker MA. (Translator)
Nacida en Durham, North Carolina, Sarah Booker es traductora del español al inglés y estudiante doctoral en la University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Sus intereses de investigación tienen que ver con la narrativa contemporanea de América Latina y los estudios de traducción. Ha traducido textos escritos por Cristina Rivera Garza, Ricardo Piglia, Amparo Dávila, Margarita García Robayo y Gabriela Wiener, entre otros. Su traducción de La cresta de Ilión de Rivera Garza salió con Feminist Press en octubre de 2017. Ella es editora asistente para The Mercurian y editora asistente para el blog de Asymptote. Ahora mismo está trabajando como lectora visitante en el departamento de filología inglesa en la Universidad de Sevilla.
Este cuento es una traducción de «La cita», que es una versión acortada del cuento «La ciudad de los hombres», publicado en La frontera más distante
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