Una genealogía periférica: entrevista a Margo Glantz (pp. 134-146)
Prof. Dr. Margo Glantz
In 1958, she began her academic career with a teaching job at the UNAM. She was the founder and director of the magazine Punto de Partida, of UNAM, in 1966. From 1977 to 1985 Glantz was a collaborator of Radio Universidad and also of the newspaper Unomásuno. In the field of cultural production, she had several positions: director of the Mexican-Israeli Cultural Institute (1966-1970), the Center for Foreign Languages of the UNAM (1970-1971) and Literature at the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA, 1983- 1986), among others. From 1986 to 1988 she was cultural attaché of the Mexican embassy in London, England.
From 1995 to date, she has been an active member of the Mexican Academy of Language, professor emerita of UNAM, columnist for the Mexican newspaper La Jornada and novelist.
Margo Glantz has received a large number of literary prizes and distinctions during her career as a writer and teacher, among them, she received the Sor Juana de la Cruz Prize for her novel El rastro (2004), the Xavier Villaurrutia Award for her novel Síndrome de naufragios (1984), Magda Donato Prize for Las genealogías (1982) and the Premio Universidad Nacional (1991). She also received the Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes (National Prize of Sciences and Arts) in the area of Linguistics and Literature in 2004, and the Premio Internacional of FIL (International Book Fair of Guadalajara, before Juan Rulfo) in 2010. She was awarded the Guggenheim (2000) and the Rockefeller (1997) scholarships, and was a visiting professor at numerous universities, such as Harvard (2002), Berlin (2004), Berkeley (2000), Princeton (1997) and Yale (1993), among others.
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