Procesos micro-económicos en el negocio de la intermediación financiera (1928-1956). Narrativas de integración al entorno nacional de un inmigrante judío sirio (pp. 73-86; DOI: 10.23692/iMex.14.6)
Prof. Dr. Liz Hamui Sutton
Liz Hamui Sutton is a Doctor in Social Sciences, currently holds the position of Secretary of Medical Education of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM. She is a Level II National Researcher named by CONACYT. Her lines of research are related to medical education and health anthropology. However, for 30 years she has studied the Jewish community in Mexico City. Among her books on the subject: Los judíos de Alepo en México (1989, Maguén David), Identidad colectiva, los judíos judeo-alepinos en México (1999, JGH Editores), Transformaciones en la religiosidad de los judíos en México (2015, Noriega), El caso de la comunidad judía mexicana (2010, CONAPRED), Tejidos culturales: las mujeres judías en México (2017, UIA/Fractal). She has been a professor of more than 106 courses, director of multiple theses of undergraduate, master’s, specialty and high specialty, author of: 138 articles in scientific and dissemination magazines, 79 book chapters, 7 published books and 10 books published. She has led 28 research projects and delivered more than 60 conferences and 53 presentations at conferences.
This article aims to build the biographical narrative of Aslan, a Jew from Aleppo origin, who immigrated to Mexico at the beginning of the 20th Century. In this story, personal, family, community, local and national aspects converge, whose organizing axis is the economic itinerary in the context of the growth of the urban capitalism in Mexico City. It seeks to characterize the ethos of the life world of Aslán, that is, that cultural nucleus that is related to social identities, with systems of shared representations, with collective consciousness, with worldviews and other habits, through the description of the business of financial intermediation and the particularities of the economic interactions that took place in that context. Aslan’s life story unfolds and unravels in family succession and business legacy. Finally, a reflective note is elaborated on the achievements and limitations of their experience from the diverse positions of those who were part of that history and from the interpretative perspective of the researcher. To remember, deconstruct and co-construct the experience of Aslán tries not only to present an individual biography, but to recreate an epoch, a world of life where one’s experience makes sense in the ethos of the intersubjective context in which it is inserted.
Este artículo pretende construir la narrativa biográfica de Aslán, un judío de origen alepino que inmigró a México a principios del Siglo XX. En la historia confluyen aspectos personales, familiares, comunitarios, locales y nacionales cuyo eje ordenador es el itinerario económico en el contexto del crecimiento del capitalismo urbano de la Ciudad de México. Se busca caracterizar el ethos del mundo de vida de Aslán, es decir, ese núcleo cultural que se relaciona con las identidades sociales, con los sistemas de representaciones compartidas, con la conciencia colectiva, con las visiones de mundo y otros hábitos, por medio de la descripción del negocio de la intermediación financiera y las particularidades de las interacciones económicas que tenían lugar en ese contexto. La historia de vida de Aslán transcurre y se desenlaza en la sucesión familiar y el legado del negocio. Finalmente se elabora una nota reflexiva sobre los logros y limitaciones de su experiencia desde las diversas posturas de quienes formaron parte de esa historia y desde la perspectiva interpretativa de la investigadora. Rememorar, deconstruir y co-construir la experiencia de Aslán intenta no sólo presentar una biografía individual, sino recrear una época, un mundo de vida donde la experiencia de uno tiene sentido en el ethos del contexto intersubjetivo en que se inserta.
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