En Estambol te vo a bushkar (pp. 128-132)
Prof. Dr. Jacobo Sefamí
Jacobo Sefamí (Mexico City) received his licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin. He taught at New York University, and is currently Professor of Latin American literature at the University of California, Irvine, and Director of the Summer School of Spanish at Middlebury College. He also directed the University of California’s education abroad program in Madrid, Spain (2003-2005), and was Editor of Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, and contributing editor on Mexican poetry to the Handbook of Latin American Studies. He has published articles, interviews, notes, and book reviews for various literary journals in Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, Chile, and the United States. His books include: El destierro apacible y otros ensayos. Xavier Villaurrutia, Alí Chumacero, Fernando Pessoa, Francisco Cervantes, Haroldo de Campos (1987), Contemporary Spanish American Poets: A Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources (1992), El espejo trizado: la poesía de Gonzalo Rojas (1992), De la imaginación poética: Conversaciones con Gonzalo Rojas, Olga Orozco, Alvaro Mutis y José Kozer (1996; 2nd expanded edition includes Enrique Molina and David Huerta), Medusario. Muestra de poesía latinoamericana (co-editor, 1996; 3rd edition, 2016), La voracidad grafómana: José Kozer (editor, 2002), and Vaquitas pintadas, an anthology of texts related to the cow (2004; another edition, with poems appeared at Unidiversidad, from the Benemérita Universidad de Puebla). He has also published a novel, Los dolientes (2004; translated and published in English, 2010).
Jacobo Sefamí / Matthias Lehmann - Editorial
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Evocaciones del entorno sefardí
Myriam Moscona - Los guantes negros
Jacobo Sefamí - En Estambol te vo a bushkar