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Releer las novelas de Myriam Laurini (pp. 112-125; DOI: 10.23692/iMex.21.9)

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Prof. Dr. Annegret Thiem

Annegret Thiem is a Full Professor at the Seminar of Romance Philology of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Paderborn (Germany). Her latest works are focused on Caribbean, Hispanic-American and Spanish literatures and cultures, and in particular the theoretical study of the literary space, poetry and gender studies. She is co-editor of the book Diseño de nuevas geografías en la novela y el cine negros de Argentina y Chile (2013).


The article proposes a re-reading of Myriam Laurini’s novels in the face of a growing hatred of women not only in Mexico but also worldwide. The author describes violence against women through a ‘brutal realism’ using literature as a weapon for denunciation. She confronts us with a world full of cruelty in which human beings are the real problems of societies.

El artículo propone una relectura de las novelas de Myriam Laurini ante un ambiente de creciente odio a las mujeres no solo en México, sino también a nivel mundial. La autora describe la violencia contra las mujeres mediante un ‘realismo brutal’ utilizando la literatura como arma para la denuncia. Nos confronta con un mundo lleno de crueldad en el que los seres humanos somos los verdaderos problemas de las sociedades.