Dear iMex community,
it is a pleasure to present you the new features on iMex. As of now, the following features will be provided to authors on iMex:
iMex in Directory of Open Access Journal: Articles are registered in the database..
More metadata: Registration and creation of DOIs for each article (XML format; Data Cite standard).
Improved article licensing: Each article can be (re-)utilised and is distributed according to the “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) ” (CC BY-SA 4.0). Help us create an open scientific environment by sharing your work and the journal: provide your institutional repositories or other plattforms with your articles published on iMex!
New article “frontpages”: The articles include improved “frontpages” that provide the necessary metadata, the abstract and keywords. This will help to share your articles on other platforms and repositories.
The most important part for every author of the previous issues:
Every change and feature will be included for every publsihed articles!
Nevertheless, our task to improve the visiblity of our journal as well as our articles is not finished yet. Help us grow via feedback, suggestions and spread the word in order to establish and improve the iMex experience and community.