October 26-28, 2017
New Cartographies in Iberian und Latin American Studies
Hosted by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Washington University in St. Louis
Keynote Speakers:
Bruno Bosteels (Columbia University)
Susan Martin-Márquez (Rutgers University)
The “Revista de Estudios Hispánicos” will sponsor a plenary session on academic publishing
The Organizing Committee seeks proposals for individual presentations and special sessions on any aspect of the literatures and cultures of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Panels or individual proposals related to the conference theme are especially encouraged. We welcome alternatives to the traditional format of three to four papers: roundtables, workshops, lightning talks, workshops, pecha kucha, etc. Please note that we discourage panels from groups of scholars coming from the same institution.
Send 250-word abstracts for individual papers by March 31, 2017 to: machl@wustl.edu
To submit a panel proposal or if you have any questions, please e-mail: machl@wustl.edu
The annual Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures is a joint undertaking of the universities of Colorado (Boulder), Kansas (Lawrence), Missouri (Columbia), Nebraska (Lincoln), Wisconsin (Madison and Milwaukee), and Washington University (St. Louis).