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Call for Presentation Proposals:

Conference Location: University of California, San Diego
Conference Date: Friday March 3-Saturday March 4, 2017
Paper Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday, September 16, 2016

The International Colloquium of History of Women and Gender in Mexico
(REDMUGEN) is pleased to announce its Seventh Meeting, entitled
“Pushing Boundaries and Expanding Borders.” It will be held on the
campus of the University of California, San Diego, on Friday March 3
and Saturday March 4, 2017.

In keeping with its fifteen-year tradition, the conference welcomes
any proposals to present on any aspect of the history of women,
gender, and sexuality in Mexico. At the same time, the conference
encourages proposals for panels or round tables to address some or all
of the following topics:

a) studies of migration/immigration and gender/women in the context of
Mexico or Mexico to the United States (preferably in historical
context but contemporary would also be considered)

b) the historiography of Northern Mexico and women, gender, and
sexuality in Northern Mexico

c) the historiography/study of women, gender, and sexuality on the
US-Mexican border

d) the historiography/study of Mexican women and gender and sexuality
issues among Mexican immigrants in the United States

e) cross-cultural communication/collaboration among Mexican and US women

f) sexual diversity

h) sexual relations and sexuality in the context of
migration/immigration and international/transcultural communication

i) opportunities and challenges presented by digitization in providing
access to sources for the history of gender, women, and sexuality in

For paper proposals, please submit a 250-word abstract with your name,
institutional affilitation/title, email address, and proposal title

For panel proposals with up to 3 presenters, please submit a title and
250-word abstract for your panel or roundtable, along with the name,
institutional affilitation/title, email address, and proposal title
for each participant, to:

For further details, please contact:
Sarah Buck Kachaluba,

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